This hotel, located just outside the village centre, enjoys a fantastic view of Hattfjelldal, a picturesque community in the mountains of Helgeland.

With the hotel as your summer base, you have comfortable accommodation, perhaps while fishing some of the 2000 lakes in the area, or hiking to the top of Hatten or some of the other nearby peaks. In the winter, you can explore Hattfjelldal’s 360 km of snowmobile trails.

The hotel

The hotel offers 6 standard double rooms, and 4 double rooms with an extra bed. Guests may also relax in one of the common lounges. breakfast is included and it is possible to order food at other times of the day. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel.

The hotel annex has several additional rooms, each with a private bathroom. The annex has a TV lounge – and there is free wifi throughout this building as well. If you would like, you can book a private lounge adjacent to your room.

You can also book the sauna or Jacuzzi. The hotel is open year round.

Koselig inne på Hattfjelldal hotell GoExtreme
Med Hattfjelldal Hotell som base bor du komfortabelt når du skal prøve lykken i områdets mange fiskevann eller ta vandreturen opp Hatten. Eller en annen av Hattfjelldals mange fjelltopper.

Snowmobile trips

In addition to a hotel room, you can rent a snowmobile and appropriate warm winter garments from GoExtreme. If you wish, they can transport this equipment to and from the spot of your choice. GoExtreme also offers snowmobile excursions with experienced guides.

Altogether, the municipalities of Hattfjelldal, Grane, Vefsn and Namskogan have a network of over 500 km of trails, through varied terrain. You can explore wooded hills and valleys, open flats and mountains. You will find great viewpoints at Hatten, on Jamtfjellet, and on the mountain overlooking Kjerringvatnet lake. There are excellent opportunities for ice fishing the area’s lakes, which number more than two thousand. From Hattfjelldal there are even trails that extend into Sweden.

Scootertur i Hattfjelldal med Mosjøen snøscooterutleie. Mosjøen snøscooterutleie

A great option is to hire one of the area’s knowledgeable guides. They will gladly tailor an excursion to suit your desires and your previous outdoor experience. Naturally, these excursions can be planned to access grocery stores and gas stations, as needed. Every excursion is designed to let you experience the scenic beauty of Helgeland. If you’re lucky, you may even have a chance to witness the magical dance of the Northern Lights!


Hotellveien 1 8690 Hattfjelldal

Check route with Entur

You can get to Hattfjelldal with your own car, possibly a train to Trofors and a bus from there. The nearest airport is in Mosjøen, about 80 km away.

Thank you for respecting the local communities, and for helping us preserve the natural beauty of Helgeland!


  • Strive to leave no trace of your visit. Bring back all your rubbish, including used toilet paper, and discard it in the nearest rubbish bin.
  • Plan your toilet visits and use the opportunity when you pass a toilet. In the wilderness, make sure you are not a nuisance to others.
  • Respect the local wildlife. Keep a good distance from wildlife, livestock and birds. Keep your dog leashed.
  • Respect private property. Keep a respectful distance from houses and cabins.
  • Show good boating sense. Keep a good distance from shore and drive at a low speed, especially when you are close to anyone or anything on the water, including birds or animals. Avoid loud and disturbing engine noise. Be aware that some islands and nature reserves are important nesting sites, and that going ashore is prohibited during the nesting season.
  • Follow the Norwegian Mountain Code (Fjellvettreglene). Plan your excursion according to the weather forecast, your skills and experience.
  • Join a guided excursion or consider hiring an experienced guide, especially when you don’t have sufficient experience or knowledge to guarantee a safe trip.

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