“Climbing Ravnfloget has been a dream for many people. This rugged mountain was once a lofty playground accessible only to sea eagles and ravens, hence the name.” Today, the Ravnfloget Via Ferrata, a spectacular climbing trail, will take you to the summit of Ravnfloget. The mountain is situated on the western side of the island of Vega.

The Sundsvoll recreation area

We start our excursion at the Sundsvoll parking lot. After a half-hour walk on a trail through the beautiful landscape and an ascent up to 100 metres on the Vega Stairs, we reach the base of the Ravnfloget Via Ferrata. This climbing route will take us 225 metres straight up the cliff. A via ferrata (Italian for “iron road”) is a climbing route where you secure yourself by a harness to a cable bolted to the mountainside.

This via ferrata actually has two climbing routes of varying difficulty – one green and one black – and they merge halfway up the mountain. The climb to the top takes about an hour and a half.

A spectacular climb to the summit

Ravnfloget Via Ferrata med utsikt over øyriket Stig Sæther

Along the via ferrata route are two viewpoints that are ideal for a short break, the perfect chance to savour the magnificent view while reenergising on the snacks and refreshments you have brought.

Please note that the via ferrata requires an experienced guide and climbing equipment. The climb is an exciting challenge physically as well as mentally, but most people have what it takes to embrace an adventure on this well-secured trail.

An airy and exciting conclusion

Ravnfloget Via Ferrata med luftig steg Stig Sæther

The via ferrata route ends at the Nepal Bridge, on which you walk on a tightrope stretched across a mountain chasm. If you’re yearning for a challenge, this “bridge” may well be the highlight of your excursion. If you would rather avoid the vertigo, just follow the trail for the final stretch to the top.

The Vega Stairs

You can also ascend Ravnfloget via the Vega Stairs, a rocky path and 2000 steps that requires neither climbing equipment nor guide. From the parking lot, just follow the path for about 400 metres to the first ascending steps. As you climb the Vega Stairs, you will pass a huge boulder, several sculptures, and numerous places where you can take a break for a snack and enjoy the view. The final stretch winds along just below the via ferrata and into a crevasse. The summit soon greets you with a stunning panorama of the Vega archipelago and view of the island of Søla.


Phone: +47 476 74 907
Hjemmeside: www.ravnfloget.no/
Facebook: vegaviaferrata
Instagram: @basecamp.vega
Get directions: Open Google Maps


Sundsvollstranda, 8980 Vega

Check route with Entur

You can travel by ferry from Tjøtta in Alstahaug or from Horn in Brønnøy. If you come by bike, it is nice to travel by speedboat from Brønnøysund center. Then you arrive at Vega on Rørøy.

The climatic conditions on Vega with mild winters and little snow, make it a long season for climbing in Ravnfloget. Most years the season starts in April and lasts until mid-October. At minus degrees, the Via Ferrata closes.

Takk for at du hjelper oss med å ta vare på naturen og lokalsamfunnene på Helgeland.

Takk for at du:

  • Praktiserer sporløs ferdsel, og tar med avfall og toalettpapir tilbake til nærmeste søppeldunk.
  • Planlegger toalettbesøk, slik at du får gjort det du må der det ikke er til sjenanse for andre.
  • Respekterer det lokale dyrelivet, holder hunden i bånd og holder god avstand til både ville og tamme dyr og fugler.
  • Respekterer privat eiendom, og holder avstand til private hus og hytter.
  • Viser godt båt-vett, holder god avstand til land, lav fart nært andre på vannet, inkludert dyr og fugler, og unngår unødig kjøring som skaper forstyrrende motorstøy.
  • Respekterer ferdsels- og ilandstigningsforbudet i sjøfuglereservatene i hekketiden.
  • Følger fjellvettreglene, og planlegger turer etter evne og erfaring.
  • Leier en erfaren guide på turene der du selv ikke har kunnskapen eller erfaringen som trengs for en trygg tur.
The Helgeland coast

National Geographic Magazine declared the Coastal Highway Fv17 (Kystriksveien) to be one of the world’s most magnificent scenic drives. This road is an official Norwegian Scenic Route Helgeland. UNESCO has recognised the unique coastal culture and given it World Heritage status. The Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT) has named Helgeland as Norway’s most beautiful coastal gem.

Discover the Helgeland Coast

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