If you want to see an unusual attraction and gain insights into World War II history, we recommend a visit to the old German coastal fortress at Grønsvik, which is now a museum. As you walk from the attractive parking lot and picnic area, you enter a dark chapter of European history.

Dronefoto av Grønsvik Kystfort i Lurøy tatt ovenfra Ketil Born / Helgeland Museum

After Nazi Germany surrendered and ended its occupation of Norway, Grønsvik coastal fortress, like many others along the coast, was subjected to major damage. Today, Grønsvik has been partially restored and turned into a museum. Exhibitions cast light on the war in general, and especially on the role the coastal fortresses played during the German occupation.

Visitors can explore the foxholes, gun positions and the command bunker. These are open year round. The Grønsvik coastal fortress and museum are situated along the Norwegian Scenic Route Helgelandskysten (Fv17), just north of Stokkvågen.

Museumsgjenstand utenfor Grønsvik Kystfort Lurøy Ketil Born / Helgeland Museum

The history

During the war years 1940–45, the Germans established the Atlantic Wall, a slong eries of coastal fortresses that stretched from the Pyrenees in the south all the way to the Arctic Ocean in the far north. More than 350 coastal fortresses were built along the Norwegian coast, including the one at Grønsvik. The mission of this fortress was to control the entrance to the Ranfjord and the fjord called Sjona.

Grønsvik Kystfort utendørs en sommerdag Ketil Born / Helgeland Museum

The Germans forced 77 Soviet and 65 Polish prisoners of war to build the fortress. An unknown number of Norwegian workers also participated, some voluntarily, others under duress. The Soviet prisoners of war were subjected to especially brutal treatment and compelled to do hard physical labour. Many of them suffered from malnutrition and disease. The local Norwegians felt great compassion for these ragged and hungry prisoners of war, and they defied the German ban and surreptitiously gave them food and clothing.

A simple burial ground was made for the seven Soviet prisoners who died during the construction. After the war, the skulls were dug up and moved to the war cemetery on Tjøtta. There is a memorial to them at the Grønsvik coastal fortress.

Grønsvik Kystfort med utsikt mot havet Ketil Born / Helgeland Museum

The fortress and the gun positions are strategically situated so as to have an optimal view of the shipping lane and the archipelago. Inside the mountain, the Germans blasted out rooms and passages to their gun positions, bunkers and foxholes, which were all well camouflaged. Today, the coastal fortress and the surrounding area are open to the public year round.

The Grønsvik coastal fortress is situated along route Fv17, just 2 km north of the Stokkvågen junction. There is a café on site.

Open at events, on request and during the summer season.

The bunker facility at the coastal fort and the surrounding area is open for free movement all year round.

  • Good parking conditions
  • Rest area
  • Great vantage point
  • Guiding

Takk for at du hjelper oss med å ta vare på naturen og lokalsamfunnene på Helgeland.

Takk for at du:

  • Praktiserer sporløs ferdsel, og tar med avfall og toalettpapir tilbake til nærmeste søppeldunk.
  • Planlegger toalettbesøk, slik at du får gjort det du må der det ikke er til sjenanse for andre.
  • Respekterer det lokale dyrelivet, holder hunden i bånd og holder god avstand til både ville og tamme dyr og fugler.
  • Respekterer privat eiendom, og holder avstand til private hus og hytter.
  • Viser godt båt-vett, holder god avstand til land, lav fart nært andre på vannet, inkludert dyr og fugler, og unngår unødig kjøring som skaper forstyrrende motorstøy.
  • Respekterer ferdsels- og ilandstigningsforbudet i sjøfuglereservatene i hekketiden.
  • Følger fjellvettreglene, og planlegger turer etter evne og erfaring.
  • Leier en erfaren guide på turene der du selv ikke har kunnskapen eller erfaringen som trengs for en trygg tur.
The Helgeland coast

National Geographic Magazine declared the Coastal Highway Fv17 (Kystriksveien) to be one of the world’s most magnificent scenic drives. This road is an official Norwegian Scenic Route Helgeland. UNESCO has recognised the unique coastal culture and given it World Heritage status. The Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT) has named Helgeland as Norway’s most beautiful coastal gem.

Discover the Helgeland Coast

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