Now you can become a volunteer tourist on Træna and receive free accommodation at House by the Sea in exchange for participating in a clean-up campaign.

At the outermost part of the Helgeland coast lies Træna, one of Norway’s smallest municipalities and one of Norway’s most beautiful island clusters. House by the Sea is an accommodation with magnificent views of the midnight sun and the spectacular Trænstaven. Last year, they started with volunteer tourism, where overnight guests could stay for free in the unique cabins, in exchange for contributing to community volunteer work.

Last year, in collaboration with the Hurtigruten Foundation and Træna Municipality, work was done on the hiking trails on the island of Sanna. These are great initiatives that help guide hikers in a gentle way to protect vulnerable nature and wildlife. This year, they are expanding the initiative, and in collaboration with In The Same Boat, they are planning three weekends where a total of 24 participants are invited to beach clean-ups and unique nature experiences.

On the weekends of May 9th to 11th, September 27th to 29th, and October 4th to 6th, House by the Sea is open for volunteer tourism. Participants get to stay for free while experiencing and preserving some of the most beautiful nature in Norway.

Øya Sanna sett fra lufta Marvin Kuhr / Visit Helgeland

About the job

Along with In The Same Boat, participants (up to 8 participants each weekend) will clean up the coastline on the islands of Træna. No prior experience is necessary, but you must be physically fit for work in rough terrain. Working hours will be adjusted based on weather conditions, boat routes, and transportation options, but it may involve a total of 10-15 hours over the weekend.

About the accommodation

Accommodation will take place in the unique cabins of House by the Sea, which have a total of 8 beds. Each cabin can accommodate a family or group of friends of up to four people, with two guests in each of the two towers. If you’re traveling alone, we will arrange accordingly.

Participants must cover their own travel expenses and food, except for a shared dinner on the arrival day.

The volunteer work takes place on Saturday and Sunday, and on Friday evening, there’s a pleasant welcome dinner, planning, and lectures focusing on the ocean, circularity, and the fight against plastic pollution.

Træna is a group of islands located at the outermost edge of the Helgeland coast. The easiest way to get here is by the express boat route Nordlandsekspressen from Bodø or Sandnessjøen, or by ferry or express boat from Stokkvågen.

Read more about the trip to Træna here

Takk for at du hjelper oss med å ta vare på naturen og lokalsamfunnene på Helgeland.

Takk for at du:

  • Praktiserer sporløs ferdsel, og tar med avfall og toalettpapir tilbake til nærmeste søppeldunk.
  • Planlegger toalettbesøk, slik at du får gjort det du må der det ikke er til sjenanse for andre.
  • Respekterer det lokale dyrelivet, holder hunden i bånd og holder god avstand til både ville og tamme dyr og fugler.
  • Respekterer privat eiendom, og holder avstand til private hus og hytter.
  • Viser godt båt-vett, holder god avstand til land, lav fart nært andre på vannet, inkludert dyr og fugler, og unngår unødig kjøring som skaper forstyrrende motorstøy.
  • Respekterer ferdsels- og ilandstigningsforbudet i sjøfuglereservatene i hekketiden.
  • Følger fjellvettreglene, og planlegger turer etter evne og erfaring.
  • Leier en erfaren guide på turene der du selv ikke har kunnskapen eller erfaringen som trengs for en trygg tur.
Welcome to Træna

Far out at sea, with only the open ocean and Iceland as its next neighbor to the west, you’ll find the Træna archipelago. Out here, the “sea people” reside, along with fish and birds, amidst hundreds of large and small islands, islets, and reefs.

Read more about Træna

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