Mo Gjestegård offers cosy accommodation that make you feel right at home in the town centre of Mo i Rana. Within walking distance are restaurants, shops and attractions such as the science museum Vitensenter Nordland, the harbour with its Merman statue, and cultural arenas such as Nordland Theatre and Park 22.

Guests choose between newly renovated single or double rooms and apartments. Start your morning with a great breakfast buffet; when the weather allows you can enjoy your breakfast on the sheltered terrace. The reception offers snacks and refreshments.


If you are travelling with your family, the apartments are perfect for you. All rooms have a private bathroom, and some also have a fully-equipped kitchen. If you’ve brought a pet, you can book a room with a private entrance.

With a base at Mo Gjestegård, great holiday activities and attractions such as the Svartisen glacier, the Svartisen-Saltfjellet National Park, Grønligrotta cave and the Rabothytta cabin in the Okstindan mountains are all within a short drive.

You will also be pleased that a variety of good restaurants are just a quick walk away.

Mo i Rana is located in the heart of the Ranfjord and you can travel here by road, rail or by plane. The E6 passes through the city. From Bodø in the north it is about 230 km, from Mosjøen in the south it is about 88 km and from Trondheim about 480 km. If you come from Sweden along the E12, it is only 40 km from the Swedish border.

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A journey by train on the Nordlandsbanen is an experience in itself. The hotel is only a 10 minute walk from the train station.

Mo i Rana Airport is only a 15-minute drive from the city center and the airport bus leaves you a short walk from the guest house.

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Takk for at du hjelper oss med å ta vare på naturen og lokalsamfunnene på Helgeland.

Takk for at du:

  • Praktiserer sporløs ferdsel, og tar med avfall og toalettpapir tilbake til nærmeste søppeldunk.
  • Planlegger toalettbesøk, slik at du får gjort det du må der det ikke er til sjenanse for andre.
  • Respekterer det lokale dyrelivet, holder hunden i bånd og holder god avstand til både ville og tamme dyr og fugler.
  • Respekterer privat eiendom, og holder avstand til private hus og hytter.
  • Viser godt båt-vett, holder god avstand til land, lav fart nært andre på vannet, inkludert dyr og fugler, og unngår unødig kjøring som skaper forstyrrende motorstøy.
  • Respekterer ferdsels- og ilandstigningsforbudet i sjøfuglereservatene i hekketiden.
  • Følger fjellvettreglene, og planlegger turer etter evne og erfaring.
  • Leier en erfaren guide på turene der du selv ikke har kunnskapen eller erfaringen som trengs for en trygg tur.
Welcome to Mo i Rana

The town of Mo i Rana lies very near the Arctic Circle and Saltfjellet-Svartisen National park, and is the largest town in the Helgeland region.

Read more about Mo i Rana

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