With 4 175 steps, Helgelandstrappa is the world’s longest stone staircase. It stretches from the Vefsna River just outside the center of Mosjøen, all the way up to the summit of Øyfjellet, towering 818 meters above the fjord and the city below.

Key info

Degree of difficulty: Moderately demanding. The height between the steps may at first feel awkward, and the hike is relatively long.
Distance one way: 3 km
Ascent one way: 818 metres
Duration one way: 1–3 hours
Wheelchair and pram friendly: No.
Season: May – October
Starting point: Drive to the parking lot a bit past Mosjøen Trafikkstasjon. If you prefer, this is a short walk south from Mosjøen’s town centre. Find the starting point with Google Maps.

Turbeskrivelse Helgelands trappa i Mosjøen Statens Kartverk / Norgeskart.no

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Description of your hike

As you ascend Øyfjellet (818 m), you should voice a silent thanks to the Sherpas who came from Nepal and built these impressive mountain stairs. It counts 4 175 steps and is the world’s longest stone stairs and is ranked amongst the top five in Norway, with top stone quality. It’s easy to see why: only the best quality stone has been used, and each step is two metres wide, allowing up to three people to walk abreast.

The steps quickly climb the mountain, soon granting you a wonderful view over Mosjøen. Along the way are several prepared picnic areas where you can take a breather and enjoy the view. From the summit, which is marked by a cairn called Øyfjellvarden, you have a breathtaking 360-degree panorama. As you peer down, you can see the attractive coastal town of Mosjøen in its entirety.

Note: It is not recommended to go in the winter due to the risk of avalanches, we recommend going from May/June. The snow usually falls in October/November.

Find the starting point with Google Maps.

Next to the via ferrata and zipline

You may interrupt your ascent of the Helgeland Stairs and choose one of two adrenaline-inducing adventures, the Mosjøen Via Ferrata and the Mosjøen Zipline. Both require that you are not terrified of heights. The Via Ferrata entails rock-climbing, well-secured and with expert guidance, while on the zip-line you soar like a bird down from the mountain! A much more relaxed excursion is to take, from the foot of the Helgeland Stairs, the path to Marsøra, which includes an idyllic stroll along the Vefsna river.

Thank you for respecting the local communities, and for helping us preserve the natural beauty of Helgeland!


  • Strive to leave no trace of your visit. Bring back all your rubbish, including used toilet paper, and discard it in the nearest rubbish bin.
  • Plan your toilet visits and use the opportunity when you pass a toilet. In the wilderness, make sure you are not a nuisance to others.
  • Respect the local wildlife. Keep a good distance from wildlife, livestock and birds. Keep your dog leashed.
  • Respect private property. Keep a respectful distance from houses and cabins.
  • Show good boating sense. Keep a good distance from shore and drive at a low speed, especially when you are close to anyone or anything on the water, including birds or animals. Avoid loud and disturbing engine noise. Be aware that some islands and nature reserves are important nesting sites, and that going ashore is prohibited during the nesting season.
  • Follow the Norwegian Mountain Code (Fjellvettreglene). Plan your excursion according to the weather forecast, your skills and experience.
  • Join a guided excursion or consider hiring an experienced guide, especially when you don’t have sufficient experience or knowledge to guarantee a safe trip.

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