Grønligrotta, with its network of passages and beautiful limestone formations, has long been one of the most visited caves in Scandinavia. Electric lighting allows you to more fully appreciate it this natural wonder, which ice and water took 700,000 years to sculpt.

Grønligrotta, situated near the town of Mo i Rana, is an extraordinary natural attraction, an experience well-suited for the whole family. A guided tour highlights its features and gives you insight into the powerful forces that carved out the cave and shaped the rock formations inside.

Your guide will take you along a route that lets you have a closer look at the glacial potholes called “giant’s cauldrons”, stalactites and other beautiful limestone formations. The cave even has a stream and an underground waterfall! There is also an embedded granite rock, carried from miles away by a raging torrent of meltwater as the last ice age was ending.

The guided tour, which takes 45–60 minutes, is suitable for everyone, young and old.

There are several scheduled tours daily during the summer. There is no pre-booking. Just show up, buy a ticket and join the first available tour.

Near the cave is a café that offers coffee and refreshments, waffles and other snacks and light dishes.

What to wear in the cave

Wear casual clothes and comfortable shoes. Even on a hot day, you should bring a sweater, as the cave is always cold. Temperatures inside Grønligrotta are 4–8˚C (39–47˚F).


Camping is available near the cave. You can pitch a tent, or park your caravan or camper. There is a service facility where you have access to showers and toilets, and electrical outlets. Please be advised that the last stretch of road up to the cave is quite steep, and you should not attempt to drive all the way up in a caravan or large vehicle.

Røssvoll Camping is situated near a turnoff from highway E6. They offer cabins for rent, as well as spots where you can park a caravan or camper.

Other activities

The town of Mo i Rana is surrounded by fjords and mountains. The area offers a wide range of natural attractions and adventures. Be sure to also visit the Svartisen glacier.

If you are eager to see more caves, we recommend Setergrotta. It’s a little more challenging, because little has been done to facilitate public visits. Here you will need to climb between large boulders, and squeeze your way through narrow passages to explore the large chambers within.


Grønligrotta, Skonseng, Norge

Check route with Entur

You can take part in a guided tour of Grønligrotta from mid-June to mid-August.

For more information and time for guided tours, see Grønligrotta’s website »

Tickets can be purchased at the reception at Grønligrotta.

Grønligrotta is located 23 km north of Mo i Rana and about 11 km from Mo i Rana Airport.

Mo i Rana is located in the heart of the Ranfjord and you can travel here by road, rail or by plane. The E6 passes through the city. From Bodø in the north it is about 230 km, from Mosjøen in the south it is about 88 km and from Trondheim about 480 km. If you come from Sweden along the E12, it is only 40 km from the Swedish border.

Plan your trip with »

On to Grønligrotta, you need a car or bus if you are not one of the most active cyclists.

Click here for driving directions in Google Maps »


Takk for at du hjelper oss med å ta vare på naturen og lokalsamfunnene på Helgeland. Takk for at du:

  • Praktiserer sporløs ferdsel, og tar med avfall og toalettpapir tilbake til nærmeste søppeldunk.
  • Planlegger toalettbesøk, slik at du får gjort det du må der det ikke er til sjenanse for andre.
  • Respekterer det lokale dyrelivet, holder hunden i bånd og holder god avstand til både ville og tamme dyr og fugler.
  • Respekterer privat eiendom, og holder avstand til private hus og hytter.
  • Viser godt båt-vett, holder god avstand til land, lav fart nært andre på vannet, inkludert dyr og fugler, og unngår unødig kjøring som skaper forstyrrende motorstøy.
  • Respekterer ferdsels- og ilandstigningsforbudet i sjøfuglereservatene i hekketiden.
  • Følger fjellvettreglene, og planlegger turer etter evne og erfaring.
  • Leier en erfaren guide på turene der du selv ikke har kunnskapen eller erfaringen som trengs for en trygg tur.
Welcome to Mo i Rana

The town of Mo i Rana lies very near the Arctic Circle and Saltfjellet-Svartisen National park, and is the largest town in the Helgeland region.

Read more about Mo i Rana

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