Experience the power of theater and carry a piece of history with you. War Travels is part of Bodø2024. In Helgeland, you can see the performance in Mosjøen and Mo i Rana.

A deeply moving performance about the brutality of war, the Nazis’ twisted racial ideology, and dehumanization.

Sona/Zona is a dark and visual experience, inspired in part by the work of Soviet prisoners of war on the Nordland Line. Before the performance, you can explore a thought-provoking exhibition featuring authentic photographs, artifacts, quotes, and stories.

The prisoner camps between Mo i Rana and Fauske were established to exploit the labor of Soviet war prisoners. Surrounded by the same mountains we gaze upon today, the prisoners attempted to endure. Severe violence, biting cold, and hunger claimed the lives of many war prisoners who were entitled to protection under the Geneva Conventions.

Hitler and the Nazis divided people into master races and subhumans, ranking them by race. This had significant consequences for how the Germans acted as occupiers and combatants. It was a desired outcome that the slaves would perish. Whether it happened through starvation, mistreatment, direct killings, or working themselves to death was less important—they were considered expendable.

We are taken to a place where we encounter various figures, both destructive ones who take lives and resilient ones who survive against all odds.

War Travels

The performance has a new premiere as part of Bodø2024, in connection with the cultural capital project War Travels, which aims to dramatize the region’s under-communicated and intimate war stories along the Nordland Line.

War Travels will not only remind us of the war’s impacts on people and society but also how our past, present, and future are intricately intertwined.

Granitt is presented in conjunction with Narvik, Kappe Land, Granitt, and In the Garden of Arctic.

It is possible to purchase a pass that grants entry to all War Travels performances.

The show is touring in Nordland in july and august, summer 2024.

See the full tour schedule, you can view it at nordlandteater.no.

The performance will tour in Nordland in July and August during the summer of 2024. See the full tour schedule at nordlandteater.no.

Thank you for respecting the local communities, and for helping us preserve the natural beauty of Helgeland!


  • Strive to leave no trace of your visit. Bring back all your rubbish, including used toilet paper, and discard it in the nearest rubbish bin.
  • Plan your toilet visits and use the opportunity when you pass a toilet. In the wilderness, make sure you are not a nuisance to others.
  • Respect the local wildlife. Keep a good distance from wildlife, livestock and birds. Keep your dog leashed.
  • Respect private property. Keep a respectful distance from houses and cabins.
  • Show good boating sense. Keep a good distance from shore and drive at a low speed, especially when you are close to anyone or anything on the water, including birds or animals. Avoid loud and disturbing engine noise. Be aware that some islands and nature reserves are important nesting sites, and that going ashore is prohibited during the nesting season.
  • Follow the Norwegian Mountain Code (Fjellvettreglene). Plan your excursion according to the weather forecast, your skills and experience.
  • Join a guided excursion or consider hiring an experienced guide, especially when you don’t have sufficient experience or knowledge to guarantee a safe trip.

Welcome to Mo i Rana

The town of Mo i Rana lies very near the Arctic Circle and Saltfjellet-Svartisen National park, and is the largest town in the Helgeland region.

Read more about Mo i Rana

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