Kart over helgeland Visit Helgeland

Mosjøen, the oldest town in Helgeland, is situated at the foot of Øyfjellet, where the rivers Vefsna and Skjerva join and flow into the Vefsnfjord. The town is known for its music scene and café life, the historic Sjøgata street lined with 19th-century wooden houses, the Øyfjellgrotta cave, the Helgeland Stairs and the Via Ferrata that ascend Øyfjellet, and the zip-line that sends people soaring down. The town has a beach and excellent nearby hiking areas.

The town’s Tourist Information Office is situated at Sjøgata 2, the northern end of this street, and within walking distance of the car lot at the Sjøsiden shopping centre.

Telephone: +47 75 01 80 00

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More information

Mosjøen lies along highway E6. The town has a train station and an airport.

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To plan your journey here by train, bus or plane, please visit Entur.no

Bus connections:

  • Mo i Rana
  • Sandnessjøen
  • Brønnøysund

Distances and driving times by car:

From Mo i Rana: 87 km, 1 hour and 15 minutes
From Sandnessjøen: 64 km, 1 hour
From Brønnøysund: 154 km, 2 hours and 30 minutes

From Bodø, via highway E6: 315 km, 4 hours and 30 minutes
From Trondheim, via highway E6: 389 km, 5 hours and 30 minutes

Good dining and comfortable accommodation

Mosjøen has a large selection of good restaurants and charming cafes, most of which are situated on or near Sjøgata street. The town offers varied accommodation, from historic hotels to guesthouses and camping sites.

Highlights and adventures

Mosjøen offers activities and adventures for every taste. You can stroll along the historic Sjøgata street, finding the café of your choice, explore the heights of Øyfjellet, or go on a fun winter adventure in the snowy mountains.

In the high mountains within Vefsnfjorden and around Mosjøen, you need to ascend to higher altitudes to see the midnight sun. However, its light is visible regardless of how high or low you are. With extensive hiking and wilderness areas nearby, where there is little light pollution, you can also find several spots with excellent conditions for viewing the northern lights.

Up the Helgeland Stairs to Øyefjellet (818 meters above sea level)
At the top of the Helgeland Stairs and Øyfjellet (818 meters above sea level), you have a beautiful view of Mosjøen, the fjord, and the surrounding mountains. This is a great spot to watch the midnight sun during the summer. In autumn, before the snow falls, it’s also a good time to climb here to see the northern lights.
Read more about the climb up the Helgeland Stairs

Panorama is a hiking destination in the forested hills on the northeast side of Mosjøen. As the name suggests, it offers a stunning view of the city, the fjord, the Vefsna river, and Øyfjellet. While you may not see the actual midnight sun from here, it’s a wonderful place to watch the sunset, and in the fall and winter, you can enjoy a beautiful view of the northern lights from here.
Read about the hike to Panorama

Mostjønna in Mosåsen
Along this hiking trail through a forested hill on the south side of Mosjøen, you’ll find a nice viewpoint for the sunset to the west, just before you reach Mostjønna. In autumn and winter, there are also many great spots to watch the northern lights dance over the forest.
Read more about the hike to Mostjønna

Marsøra public toilet
Toilets in Marsøra Recreational Area
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Toilets at the parking area for Helgelandstrappa and Marsøra
Toilets are located in the same building as Hi North, at the starting point for the hikes to Helgelandstrappa and Marsøra.
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Public toilet at Baågneset
Public toilet near E6, just north of Mosjøen, close to Baågneset.
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Topcamp Mosjøen
A campground located along E6, just south of Mosjøen.
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Shell Halsøy
Sanitary station at a gas station just north of Mosjøen.
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