Between the national parks Børgefjell and Lomsdal-Visten lies the village of Trofors. It’s an outdoor paradise surrounded by beautiful mountains, vast forests, lakes, and fishing waters, with the salmon river Vefsna at its heart. It’s a perfect holiday destination for those who love spending time outdoors, whether you want to ski in the mountains, cycle in the forest, fish in the river, go river paddling, or hike to mountain peaks.

Trofors is located along the E6 in Grane municipality in southern Helgeland, roughly midway between Nordlandsporten and Majavatn to the south and Mosjøen to the north. You can travel here by car or by train to Trofors station.

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Accommodation, Activities, and Dining

While the Svenningelva river draws water from Lomsdal-Visten, the Auster-Vefsna river flows from Børgefjell, and at their confluence in the center of town, they become the mighty salmon river Vefsna. How about an adventure in the rivers, like river paddling or rafting? Or fishing for the big salmon from the riverbank?

Hikes and Hiking Areas

With the national parks Børgefjell and Lomsdal-Visten just around the corner, and trails with shelters and fire pits in the surrounding area, Trofors is an excellent starting point for adventurers of all ages.

Practical information

South of Trofors, the lakes line up, offering unparalleled views of the vast forests and majestic mountains to the west. One of the first beautiful swimming spots you come across when driving south from Trofors is Storsvenningvatnet, featuring good parking facilities and a white sandy beach. Although the swimming area is right by the E6, it is peaceful and lovely.

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This warm lake is a favorite swimming spot for the locals in Trofors, located just a 15-minute drive from the town. Here, you’ll find a nice fire pit and a shelter. From the parking area, it’s only a 10-minute walk on a well-trodden path, making it ideal for families with children. It’s perfect to combine a swim at Langvatnet with a trip to Stavassgården, located at the end of the road. Stavassdalen is one of the most popular entry points to Lomsdal-Visten National Park.

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Storsanden at Majavatnet
Majavatn is situated in the heart of the wilderness, surrounded by large mountains, forests, and lakes. Coming from the south, Majavatn is the first small town after the Gateway to Northern Norway, and it serves as a popular entry point to Børgefjell National Park. Nearby, the swimming spot Storsanden is easily accessible, with parking close by. The water gets as warm as it can in Northern Norway, and the beach is very nice, making it a favorite for children.

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This swimming spot is 1.3 kilometers south of Trofors, within walking distance from the bus and train station and Trofors shopping center. It’s an exciting place for children to play with stones and small streams, and the river flows gently by. The actual swimming area is a large river bend, which is shallow and lovely.

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Øvre Fiplingvatnet
On the south side of Øvre Fiplingvatnet, you’ll find a nice swimming spot right by the road. Parking is limited here, so this swimming spot is best suited for those traveling along the Wilderness Road by bike.

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Among the high mountains around Trofors and the surrounding areas, you need to ascend to see the midnight sun. However, the light from it is visible no matter how high or low you are. With vast hiking and wilderness areas with little light pollution, you’ll find several spots perfect for viewing the northern lights.

Bjørn’s Plass near Trofors
A beautiful and universally designed viewpoint with benches, a fire pit, and an outhouse. In summer, you can drive all the way there, but in winter, it’s a 3-kilometer ski trip from the winter parking lot.

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Trofors Station
Public bathroom at the trainstation
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Coop Prix Trofors
Customer bathroom during opening hours
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Trixie Restaurant & Bar
Bathroom for customers, but is available for others against payment.
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Svenningdal camping
The camp ground is along the E6, about 10 minutes south of Trofors. The dump station is available for a fee.
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Thank you for respecting the local communities, and for helping us preserve the natural beauty of Helgeland!


  • Strive to leave no trace of your visit. Bring back all your rubbish, including used toilet paper, and discard it in the nearest rubbish bin.
  • Plan your toilet visits and use the opportunity when you pass a toilet. In the wilderness, make sure you are not a nuisance to others.
  • Respect the local wildlife. Keep a good distance from wildlife, livestock and birds. Keep your dog leashed.
  • Respect private property. Keep a respectful distance from houses and cabins.
  • Show good boating sense. Keep a good distance from shore and drive at a low speed, especially when you are close to anyone or anything on the water, including birds or animals. Avoid loud and disturbing engine noise. Be aware that some islands and nature reserves are important nesting sites, and that going ashore is prohibited during the nesting season.
  • Follow the Norwegian Mountain Code (Fjellvettreglene). Plan your excursion according to the weather forecast, your skills and experience.
  • Join a guided excursion or consider hiring an experienced guide, especially when you don’t have sufficient experience or knowledge to guarantee a safe trip.

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