The Wilderness Road runs through vast and beautiful mountain and nature areas, such as the Børgefjell National Park, Norway’s second-largest lake, Røssvatnet, and the mountain range Okstindan. The latter is home to Northern Norway’s highest peak, Oksskolten (1,916 meters above sea level), and Norway’s most spectacular cabin, Rabothytta (1,180 meters above sea level).

The Wilderness Road stretches from Majavatn in the south to Korgen in the north, passing through Fiplingdalen, towards Hattfjelldal and past Røssvatnet. It traverses the municipalities of Grane, Hattfjelldal, and Hemnes. If you wish to cycle along the road, you can take the train to and from Majavatn station in the south and Bjerka station in the north.

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Sometimes, it’s wise to take a detour from the E6 highway and explore alternative routes that offer fantastic nature experiences. One such route is the Wilderness Road in Helgeland, which meanders through vast, breathtaking mountain and nature areas. Along the way, you’ll pass through Børgefjell National Park, drive alongside Norway’s second-largest lake, Røssvatnet, and enjoy stunning views of the Okstindan mountain range. The latter is home to Northern Norway’s highest peak, Oksskolten (1,916 meters above sea level), and Norway’s most awe-inspiring tourist cabin, Rabothytta (1,180 meters above sea level).

The Wilderness Road is not for those in a hurry. The road is narrow but extraordinarily beautiful, so it’s best to take it slow and let the impressions sink in. Stretching just under 140 kilometers, the route takes you through the municipalities of Grane, Hattfjelldal, and Hemnes.

Along the way, Børgefjell National Park and Okstindan are among the major attractions, but there are many more delightful hiking destinations and fishing lakes for those who enjoy mountain hiking and angling. For example, you have the magnificent Hatten mountain in Hattfjelldal and the Røssåga river flowing through Korgen, to name a few.

In the south, the Wilderness Road starts in Majavatn, but we recommend making a stop in Trofors, which is located along the E6. Here, you can experience river rafting on the Auster-Vefsna River and go hiking towards the Lomsdal-Visten National Park. In the north, the road begins in Korgen, and here we suggest taking a scenic bonus trip to the beautiful fjord village of Hemnesberget, located a bit further north in Hemnes.

Activities and attractions

Restaurants and cafés


Great hikes and trips along the Wilderness Road

Destinations in the area

Practical information

Thank you for respecting the local communities, and for helping us preserve the natural beauty of Helgeland!


  • Strive to leave no trace of your visit. Bring back all your rubbish, including used toilet paper, and discard it in the nearest rubbish bin.
  • Plan your toilet visits and use the opportunity when you pass a toilet. In the wilderness, make sure you are not a nuisance to others.
  • Respect the local wildlife. Keep a good distance from wildlife, livestock and birds. Keep your dog leashed.
  • Respect private property. Keep a respectful distance from houses and cabins.
  • Show good boating sense. Keep a good distance from shore and drive at a low speed, especially when you are close to anyone or anything on the water, including birds or animals. Avoid loud and disturbing engine noise. Be aware that some islands and nature reserves are important nesting sites, and that going ashore is prohibited during the nesting season.
  • Follow the Norwegian Mountain Code (Fjellvettreglene). Plan your excursion according to the weather forecast, your skills and experience.
  • Join a guided excursion or consider hiring an experienced guide, especially when you don’t have sufficient experience or knowledge to guarantee a safe trip.

South of Trofors, the lakes stretch in succession, and the view of the vast forests and majestic mountains to the west is unparalleled. One of the first beautiful bathing spots you encounter when driving south from Trofors is Storsvenningvatnet, with ample parking and a white sandy beach. The bathing area is located right by the E6, yet it remains peaceful and delightful.

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This warm lake is a popular swimming spot among the locals in Trofors, and it’s only a 15-minute drive from the town. Here, you’ll find a nice bonfire site and a sheltered outdoor seating area. From the parking lot, it’s just a 10-minute walk along a well-trodden path, making it ideal for families with children. It’s perfect to combine a swim at Langvatnet with a visit to Stavassgården, located at the end of the road. Stavassdalen is one of the most popular gateways to Lomsdal-Visten National Park.

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Storsanden på Majavatnet
Majavatn is situated in the heart of the wilderness, surrounded by towering mountains, forests, and lakes in every direction. If you’re coming from the south, Majavatn is the first small town after the Gateway to Northern Norway, and here you’ll find a beloved entry point to Børgefjell National Park. Nearby, the easily accessible Storsanden beach awaits, with convenient parking close by. The water here is as warm as it gets in Northern Norway, and it boasts a lovely beach that the little ones will adore.

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This bathing spot is 1.3 kilometers south of Trofors, within walking distance from the bus and train station, as well as Trofors’ shopping square. It offers an exciting playground for children to play with stones and small streams, with a calm river flowing by. The bathing area itself is a spacious bend in the river, shallow and beautiful.

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Øvre Fiplingvatnet
On the south side of Øvre Fiplingvatnet, you’ll find a nice bathing spot right by the road. Parking options for cars are limited here, so this bathing spot is best suited for those traveling along the Wilderness Road by bike.

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Among the tall mountains along the Wilderness Road and in the surrounding areas, you need to ascend to higher altitudes to see the midnight sun. However, you can still witness its light regardless of how high or low you are. With vast hiking and wilderness areas with minimal light pollution, you can find several places with excellent conditions for viewing the Northern Lights.

Hatten in Hattfjelldal
Hatten, the signature mountain of Hattfjelldal, is a fantastic hiking destination in the summer. While you may not directly see the midnight sun, it’s still beautiful to watch it set behind the mountains in the north and see its light paint the higher peaks around Røssvatnet. For Northern Lights excursions, it’s possible to hike to the summit in September and October before the snow settles.

Read more about the hike to Hatten

Rabothytta in Okstindan
At 1,200 meters above sea level, amidst the mighty peaks of the Okstindan mountain range, lies the DNT cabin with the nickname “Norway’s Most Spectacular Tourist Cabin.” This is an exceptionally beautiful place to observe the midnight sun on a fine summer night or the Northern Lights in winter. The hike to the cabin is relatively straightforward in summer and takes around two hours from the summer parking area. In winter, it becomes a more demanding trek that requires careful planning.

Read more about the hike to Rabothytta

Ørntinden on Korgfjellet
This is a relatively short hike from Korgfjellet Fjellstue. While you may not see the midnight sun from here, its light still colors the surrounding mountain areas in beautiful hues. In winter, it’s a great spot to witness the Northern Lights dancing over the mountains to the north.

See Ørntinden on

Public restroom in the park
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Customer restroom during opening hours
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Rasteplass mellom Bjerka og Finneidfjord
Public restroom, open during the summer season
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Best Hemnesberget
Customer restroom during opening hours
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Småbåthavna på Hemnesberget
Public restroom near the pier
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Book your experience

Summer café and kamkake baking

Make a stop at Hemnes Bygdetun in Bjerka and see how the local pastry “kamkaka” is made. In the summer café Storfjøsen, you can taste the pastry.

The River Way

Join us on an exciting journey through raw nature, with speed and excitement, salmon fishing, and authentic traditional food on the menu. Great natural experiences meet compelling storytelling in this package tour from The Trail Way, where you’ll experience how the river and forest once served both as way of travel and way of life.

Hemnes open-air museum

Hemnes Bygdetun consists of a beautifully situated farm that can be just glimpsed from highway E6. The farm has a 500 year history, so its buildings and collections offer many insights into how our ancestors, both rich and poor, lived.

Korgen Camping – An idyll by the Røssåga River

Korgen Camping is idyllically situated on the river Røssåga, which since time immemorial has provided excellent salmon fishing. The campsite offers a tranquil family-friendly holiday stay. Situated midway between the towns of Mosjøen and Mo i Rana, the site is secluded from highway E6.

The Mountain Way

Join us for a majestic journey to Rabothytta in the Okstindan mountain range, the roof of Northern Norway. You’ll be following in the footsteps of the mountaineers and pioneers who first explored and summited these peaks and pinnacles. With local food and pastries in your backpack, you’ll be guided on a journey through vast and wild nature, to the peace and quiet found deep within the mountain wilderness. Great natural experiences meet compelling storytelling in this package tour from The Trail Way.

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