Fjellet Hatten i Hattfjelldal Kristoffer Møllevik / Visit Helgeland

Even from a distance, Hatten (1128) is a sight to behold. The Sámi people call this solitary mountain Aarpije, “the one who stands alone”. It is situated east of the village of Hattfjelldal.

Key info

Degree of difficulty: Moderately demanding. Steep sections towards the top.

Distance one way: 5 km

Ascent one way: 620 metres

Duration one way: 2–3 hours

Wheelchair and pram friendly: No.

Trailhead: From where you park at the start of the tractor road in Hattli. Find the trailhead with Google Maps.

Turbeskrivelse Hatten i Hattfjelldal Statens Kartverk /

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Description of your hike

The hike through easy terrain to the summit takes 1.5–2 hours. The first part of the trail is a well-marked section through the forest, and the next stretch proceeds on bare rock. While some climbing is necessary, hikers are never exposed or in danger. Even though the red trail markings are pretty good, you can lose the trail, especially on the way down.

The summit enjoys a fantastic view of Røssvatnet lake and the Okstindan mountains. The locals claim you can see seven parishes from the mountain top. The summit hike up Hatten is well suited for a family excursion, although it might be overly challenging for the youngest children.

Aarpije – the lone summit

Hatten is a distinct and rather majestic peak situated near the southern end of Røssvatnet, Norway’s second-largest lake. In Norwegian, Hatten means “the hat”. The indigenous Sámi people named this mountain Aarpije, meaning “the widow” or “the one who stands alone” – a suitable name given the solitary mountain’s prominence in the surrounding landscape.

Hattjønna and Litj-Hatten

On the way up, you might take a dip in the tarn called Hattjønna. Also tempting is a detour or additional hike to a lower peak called Litj-Hatten (“the Little Hat”). There are no other marked trails in the area, but the terrain is open and easy to hike.

Find the trailhead with Google Maps.

Thank you for respecting the local communities, and for helping us preserve the natural beauty of Helgeland!


  • Strive to leave no trace of your visit. Bring back all your rubbish, including used toilet paper, and discard it in the nearest rubbish bin.
  • Plan your toilet visits and use the opportunity when you pass a toilet. In the wilderness, make sure you are not a nuisance to others.
  • Respect the local wildlife. Keep a good distance from wildlife, livestock and birds. Keep your dog leashed.
  • Respect private property. Keep a respectful distance from houses and cabins.
  • Show good boating sense. Keep a good distance from shore and drive at a low speed, especially when you are close to anyone or anything on the water, including birds or animals. Avoid loud and disturbing engine noise. Be aware that some islands and nature reserves are important nesting sites, and that going ashore is prohibited during the nesting season.
  • Follow the Norwegian Mountain Code (Fjellvettreglene). Plan your excursion according to the weather forecast, your skills and experience.
  • Join a guided excursion or consider hiring an experienced guide, especially when you don’t have sufficient experience or knowledge to guarantee a safe trip.

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